
Kosovo Manufacturing Club after talks and requests from the Ministry of Trade and Industry has decided to postpone the protest date for the blockade of the customs point with Albania, which was scheduled to take place on March 31, 2018. The date was set during the joint conference between the Kosovo Manufacturing Club, the Union of Albanian Manufacturers and the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia, for the abolition of tariff and non-tariff barriers and for the free trade and economic flow between Kosovo and Albania. The date of this protest was postponed to 9 April 2018.

The Kosovo Manufacturing Club has decided to postpone blockade with the hope that Kosovo and Albania institutions will have even more time to reflect on the solution of the trade barriers that Kosovo’s manufactures are facing when exporting their products. KMC believes that manufacturers’ demands will be taken into account, and producers of medicines, beer and other products will be relieved of the current trade barriers with Albania.

If the problems of the Kosovo manufactures will not come to an understanding and the specific requirements addressed to the respective governments of Kosovo and Albania will not be resolved, regarding the problems Kosovar manufactures face in their activity, then the Kosovo Manufacturing Club remains obliged to continue the protest until these requirements are met.