This strategy aims, in cooperation with stakeholders, to use all diplomatic ties to advance the prosperity of Made-in-Kosovo products outside the country’s markets. Kosovo is a country with limited sales potential in the domestic market, where opening up to exports would enable opening the doors to an exponentially larger market. Economic diplomacy is one of the most important keys to higher productivity and sustainable development of the country.
Therefore, this strategy considers it one of its key tasks to strengthen trade and exports in helping local companies in regional and European markets, thereby contributing to the creation of better conditions for international competition.
The activities that will be developed within this strategy will strengthen efforts to promote Made in Kosovo products within and outside the borders by:
- Creating programs for the promotion of Kosovar companies, such is the digital platform ‘Made in Kosova’.
- Strengthen inter-ministerial efforts for the development interests of the manufacturing sector in the country.
- Strengthened the presence of Made in Kosova products in regional and international markets.
- Creating programs for increasing the foreign affairs service contributions, respectively embassies in the promotion of local products.