Last night, was held the Gala Dinner ‘Made in Kosova’, which is a continuation of promotional activities for local products initiated by the Kosovo Manufacturing Club. This night officially marked the start of the ‘Made in Kosova’ campaign, which conveys a positive message for the production sector in Kosovo and aims to raise citizen awareness of the positive role that consumption of local products plays in the economic development of the country. The ‘Made in Kosovo’ campaign as part of the KMC’s activities is supported by the Minister of Finance, USAID, the Agency for Investment and Enterprise Support in Kosovo – KIESA and the Swedish International for Development and Cooperation Agency- SIDA.
During this night the premier of the promotional video ‘Made in Kosova’ was shown, where through this video was delivered the message that Kosovo has personalities, who now are known worldwide, and with their achievements make us proud all around the world. The video focuses on the appreciation of Kosovo’s most important personalities from various fields of deeds, who have made a valuable contribution to promote the values of Kosovo.
Gala Dinner ‘Made in Kosovo’ brought together businesses, representatives of state institutions, representatives from international institutions, important figures from the culture as well as other relevant actors that all these years have been working for the promotion of Kosovo.
In his speech, for the ‘Made in Kosova’ campaign, President Thaçi has said that this campaign is informing the buyer in Kosovo, but also outside Kosovo, about our products, their quality and the opportunities offered by Kosovo. President Thaçi added that when we compare today with what we were two decades ago, we should be proud of our achievements. “We have drafted laws and are strengthening the rule of law to protect investors and businesses. We have built roads and highways. Last week was finalized the agreement for the construction of the new power plant “Kosova e Re”, which will bring over 1 billion euros of direct investments, energy stability and new jobs. This will reflect positively on the whole economy of the country, but also in the image of Kosovo, “said President Thaçi.
Meanwhile, deputy prime minister of Kosovo- Fatmir Limaj, said that the Government of Kosovo will strongly continue to build partnership with local entrepreneurs, and he also added that this partnership itself has responsibilities, which according to him implies that all will work conform rules and laws, respecting the private but also the public interest. Deputy Prime Minister Limaj also added that the Government of Kosovo will use all the capacities to stimulate local production.
Finance minister- Bedri Hamza, said that the Government of Kosovo is constantly making important decisions that favor the manufacturing business, deciding to amend and supplement the most important laws that regulate the business field, such is the code on customs and excise, the law on VAT, and the law on tax administration.
The chairmen of Kosovo Manufacturing Club, Astrit Shabani emphasized that KMC through this campaign wants to show that in Kosovo there is work and that Kosovo has many individuals and institutions that are contributing positively to the image and the development of Kosovo. He assured on behalf of the producers that “we will continue to contribute to the economic development of our county and will do this together with your support.”
Whereas, the Executive Director of the Club Astrit Panxha, said that the brand ‘Made in Kosova’ should be viewed as a brand that unites music, art and products of Kosovo. “The success of made in Kosovo should be linked to the success of Kosovo’s development as a state. Furthermore we use this brand, the more we will have sustainable economic development.”
Also, on this evening the prize ‘Heart of Kosovo’ was awarded, which has already become traditional and is shared by KMC for persons, enterprises and institutions that have promoted and will promote the ‘Made in Kosova’ campaign. The prizes were divided into two categories, the award Ambassadors ‘Made in Kosova’ awarded to respectable personalities in the country, who will promote in a variety of forms the ‘Made in Kosova’ brand throughout the year. This year’s Ambassadors of ‘Made in Kosova’ are Mrs. Nexhmije Pagarusha, Perparim Rama, Besim Dina, Manushaqe Nura, Krenare Rugova, Medina Surdulli, Basketball Representative of Kosovo, BONEVET and Ramë Lahaj.
While, gratitude for the contribution made to the promotion of ‘Made in Kosova’ products or local values, whether inside or outside Kosovo, was awarded to the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, the company Adelina Graoss, the ambassador Shpend Kallaba, Milot Hasimja, Sytrime Dervisholli and SOMA Book Station.
The evening ended with traditional Albanian music, accompanied by orchestra ‘Pirollo’, who were present throughout the evening.